By Sam Baltimore In Paid Family Leave, Washington, DCPosted August 19, 2019Action Alert: Paid Family Leave should be for everyoneTell DC that everyone should have access to Paid Family Leave. READ MORE
By Leslie Salgado In Immigration, Maryland StatePosted August 15, 2019ICE out of Howard County!Tisha B'Av Rally to #CloseTheCamps speech by Leslie Salgado, Chair of Friends of Latin America READ MORE
By Sam Baltimore In Under 3 DC, Washington, DCPosted August 14, 2019Talk to your ANC about Birth-to-3 for All DCJews United for Justice is joining our partners in the Birth to Three DC coalition to raise awareness and build public support for DC's revolutionary new law for universal childcare and full [...] READ MORE
By Sam Baltimore In Immigration, Maryland State, MD Immigrant Rights, Mont. County Immigrant Rights, Police AccountabilityPosted August 9, 2019Organization Sign On: Howard County, stop profiting off of ICEHoward County is enabling and profiting off of ICE cruelty. Sign the open letter to the County Executive to end this agreement. READ MORE
By Sam Baltimore In Immigration, Maryland State, Mont. County Immigrant Rights, Police AccountabilityPosted August 6, 2019Action Alert: Tell Howard County to stop profiting off of ICEHoward County is enabling and profiting off of ICE cruelty. Tell the County Executive to end this agreement. READ MORE