The holiday of Sukkot begins the evening of Monday, September 20, 2021 (15 Tishrei 5782). It is a seven day festival that celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the biblical story of the Jewish people’s journey in the desert following our escape from Egypt. On this holiday, we give thanks and reflect on what it means to have shelter.
Sukkot is a joyous holiday, when we think about the importance of a roof over our heads, having enough to eat, and sharing our bounty with our friends and neighbors. But what does it mean to celebrate shelter and food when so many people in our region don’t have either, or are in danger of losing their homes in a tidal wave of evictions? There is a growing eviction crisis in Baltimore, in Montgomery County, in DC, and across the nation. Even the temporary shelter that we build on Sukkot, the Sukkah, is more housing than many people can afford.
Join us at a JUFJ Sukkot virtual event and take action with JUFJ online as we dive into the work that still remains to create a DC-Maryland region where we all have the shelter we need and we all share in the bounty of the harvest, regardless of race, income, or zip code.
Attend a Sukkot event
Sunday, August 29 – Sunday, October 10, 2021
JUFJ leader and artist Debra Band has contributed artwork to the “Under One Roof” art exhibit at the Bender JCC in Rockville. Debra’s art is focused on the need for paid family and medical leave for all Marylanders, and it includes text from JUFJ leader Jill Alexander. The exhibit is open until October 10.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
7:00 PM on Zoom
The next event in our Civics Kibitz educational series in Baltimore is focused on housing, and will include a Sukkot celebration. We will be joined by Baltimore City District 14 Councilmember, Odette Ramos and seek answers to questions like: who controls decisions about affordable housing in Baltimore? What falls under city, state, and federal jurisdiction? What is currently happening in rent court? And, who are the power players that shape our current housing market?
Sunday, September 26, 2021
4:00 PM on Zoom
Our DC team is looking back at our successes from the transformative DC budget campaign and celebrating Sukkot at our budget celebration and campaign kickoff for 5782. This year we’ll be focusing on:
- Housing security
- Early childhood education
- Economic justice
- Community building and education
Contact your Legislators
Contact your local and state legislators about the eviction crisis and what they can do to keep people in their homes.