This week, we all have a critical opportunity to take action to reduce the Baltimore City Police budget and invest in Black communities. The current proposed budget includes a proposal of an almost $3 million increase to the city’s police department, while other critical city services are being cut. This is unacceptable. The BPD should not receive more funding, especially at a time when it is clear that they do not protect Baltimore residents equally. We, as Baltimore residents, must collectively advocate for less funding for police and more funding for departments we really need, such as education, housing & community development, and health.
These efforts are being undertaken in coordination with Organizing Black and our other partners in the Campaign for Justice Safety and Jobs (CJSJ), who we have been working with on police accountability for more than five years. We continue to fight alongside them for the changes that must be made to root out racist, violent, and corrupt police practices and invest in meeting the basic needs of the people of our city.
Sign up for a time below to call your City Council member, Council President Brandon Scott and Mayor Jack Young. We will text you a phone number and script before your scheduled call time. Please sign up to make one call to the Mayor, one call to the Council President, and one call to your Council member. If you need to confirm who your Council representative is, you may do so here: http://www.baltimorecitycouncil.com/council-district-map
Call sign ups:
For Baltimore residents (any city district) only: https://www.slottr.com/jackyoung
For Baltimore residents (any city district) only: https://www.slottr.com/brandonscott
For District 1 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/zekecohen
For District 2 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/daniellemccray
For District 3 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/ryandorsey
For District 4 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/billhenry
For District 5 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/isaacschleifer
For District 6 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/sharongreenmiddleton
For District 7 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/leonpinkett
For District 8 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/kristerferburnett
For District 9 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/johnbullock
For District 10 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/edreisinger
For District 11 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/ericcostello
For District 12 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/robertstokes
For District 13 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/shannonsneed
For District 14 residents only: https://www.slottr.com/marypatclarke