Every child in DC should have a healthy childhood and a quality education, no matter their race, family wealth, or neighborhood. Every educator should have the resources they need to thrive, and [...]
Budgets are moral documents on both sides of the ledger. Who pays what taxes and what we choose to invest in reflect where we want to go as a city. The current draft of the budget woefully [...]
Thanks to the hard work of the Under 3 DC coalition, a majority of the DC Council, and so many families and educators in our city, early childhood educators in DC are eligible for a huge pay [...]
For several years, I’ve been going with other JUFJers and our allies to the Mayor’s budget forums to make the case for progressive policies. Those have sometimes been frustrating, but also [...]
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic [...]
For several years, I’ve been going with other JUFJers and our allies to the Mayor’s budget forums to make the case for progressive policies. Those have sometimes been frustrating, but also [...]
The DC Council's second budget vote is tomorrow, and the Council is on the verge of making a historic investment in fairer pay for early childhood educators and ending homelessness for thousands [...]
A budget is a moral document that shows where our city's priorities truly lie. As the DC Council votes on the budget for the next year, we need our Councilmembers to put people first and ensure a [...]
Childcare and early childhood education are essential for all children, but even before the pandemic they were out of reach for many DC families, especially Black and brown families. Now, [...]