Virtual Freedom Seder
Join us for our first ever virtual seder, in partnership with Carolina Jews for Justice, Detroit Jews for Justice, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (NY), and Jewish Community Action (Minnesota).
Join us for our first ever virtual seder, in partnership with Carolina Jews for Justice, Detroit Jews for Justice, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (NY), and Jewish Community Action (Minnesota).
For the past 19 years, the Jewish Community Action Freedom Seder has brought together hundreds of people and has connected the tradition of Passover to current fights for social justice. Join JUFJ and JCA for this year's virtual event as we come together as a community in mutual solidarity with people from different backgrounds, traditions, races, religions, genders and zip codes, to celebrate working toward our collective liberation.
Join JUFJ during Passover to connect with our Maryland legislators using social media to urge them to support crticial immigration bills.
For the past 20 years, the Freedom Seder has brought together hundreds of people and has connected the tradition of Passover to current fights for social justice. Join JUFJ and JCA for this year's virtual event as we come together as a community in mutual solidarity with people from different backgrounds, traditions, races, religions, genders and zip codes, to celebrate working toward our collective liberation.
Calling all Maryland JUFJers: JUFJ staff need your help to make sure everyone hears about our first seder in Baltimore since 2019! Join us to call other JUFJers who haven't RSVPed yet and make sure that they have a chance to join the fun and the action for youth justice.
Calling all Maryland JUFJers: JUFJ staff need your help to make sure everyone hears about our first seder in Baltimore since 2019! Join us to call other JUFJers who haven't RSVPed yet and make sure that they have a chance to join the fun and the action for youth justice.
Each spring, the Social Justice Seder celebrates the freedom story of the Exodus by connecting it to present day struggles, delivering the tools to take action, and celebrating with food, friends, and song. This year’s Seder, “Let my people grow,” will explore the fight for youth justice and the campaign to let all of Maryland’s children, and their children, and their children’s children break the chains of the criminal legal system and live in freedom.
Each spring, the Labor Seder celebrates the freedom story of the Exodus by connecting it to present day struggles, delivering the tools to take action, and celebrating with food, friends, and song. This year’s Seder, "Let all who are hungry come and eat," will examine how the fight for liberation is reflected in DC street vendors' campaign to be recognized as part of our city's vibrant and diverse community.