Maryland District 39 Legislator Meeting
Join other District 39 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 39 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 10 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 46 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 19 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Every year on (or near) Purim, JUFJ activists deliver mishloach manot, sweet gifts to our legislators, along with a reminder of our legislative priorities. We invite you to make or buy hamentaschen or other supplies to support this effort even if you aren't able to join us in person!
Join other District 41 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 22 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Family is absolutely central to Judaism, from centuries of law and wisdom on raising our children to ancient guidelines for respecting our elders. All families, regardless of household income or family structure, should have the resources they need to thrive. But Mayor Bowser is proposing to cut tens of millions of dollars from the portion of the DC budget that helps pay childcare providers a fair wage.
Join other District 14 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with on of our state legislators to discuss our current priorities.
Join other District 16 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with on of our state legislators to discuss our current priorities.
Join other District 16 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with one of our state legislators to discuss our current priorities.
Join us and other JUFJers from District 39 on Zoom as we meet with our newly appointed representative, Delegate Gregory Wims, to get to know each other, discuss JUFJ’s current areas of focus, and learn about his priorities.
Come learn how our Maryland legislator meetings will work and how critical they are for our statewide advocacy.
Join other District 11 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 41 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 45 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with Delegate Stephanie Smith and Delegate Caylin Young to discuss our agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session.
Join other District 21 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our three State Delegates to discuss our agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session. We will have an optional Chanukah candlelighting prior to the meeting.
Join other District 21 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our State Senator to discuss our agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session. We will have an optional Chanukah candlelighting prior to the meeting.
Join other District 18 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session. We will have an optional Chanukah candlelighting prior to the meeting.
Join other District 20 JUFJers in a Zoom meeting with our state legislators to discuss our agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session. We will have an optional Chanukah candlelighting prior to the meeting.