Mont. County Racial Equity & Policing

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Montgomery County Racial Equity and Policing Team Meeting

Montgomery County

Jewish sacred texts declare that destroying even one life is akin to destroying a whole world. But here in Montgomery County, lives are destroyed every day, especially Black and brown lives, by our systems of policing and school discipline. Join us for our next team meeting to discuss ongoing campaigns to transform public safety in our County.

Maryland Purim 2025 / 5785

Montgomery County
Maryland State

Purim is a joyful Jewish holiday that commemorates the story of Queen Esther, who used her power to help her community during challenging times. We are packing 420 gift bags to deliver to statewide and Montgomery County elected officials. Join us in packing bags, delivering bags to legislators, donating supplies, or donating money to offset the cost of making all of this happen.

Montgomery County Racial Equity and Policing Team Meeting

Montgomery County

Jewish sacred texts declare that destroying even one life is akin to destroying a whole world. But here in Montgomery County, lives are destroyed every day, especially Black and brown lives, by our systems of policing and school discipline. Join us for our next team meeting to discuss ongoing campaigns to transform public safety in our County.