Let My People Vote
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Shelter of Peace: a seder on migrant justice
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Out of Mitzrayim & Into the Streets: Resist Pharaoh
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Police Accountability: In the 2016 General Assembly, we partnered with groups in fighting for key legislation to increase police accountability and transparency. We won several important measures, and will keep fighting at the local and state level to improve how law enforcement operates in our city.
Paid Sick Days: JUFJ and our partners in the Working Matters Coalition secured paid sick days for 97,000 workers in Montgomery County. (2015)
Raise Maryland: Our members helped raise Maryland’s minimum wage to $10.10 by 2018, and raised Montgomery County’s minimum wage even higher, giving thousands of hard-working families a boost. (2013-2014)
Paid Sick Days for All: We were a driving force in the successful effort to expand D.C.’s 2008 paid sick leave law to include tipped restaurant workers and to strengthen enforcement of paid sick leave. (2011-2013)
Dream for Equality: Jews spoke out and organized to win LGBTQ marriage equality and immigrant tuition equity at the ballot box in Maryland. (2012)
Money Out of Politics: JUFJ and DC Public Trust worked to end corporate money in DC politics by introducing a ballot initiative that would ban corporate donations to politicians. (2012)
Invest in DC: In 2011, we fought for and won progressive income taxation of people who can invest in our city and pay taxes according to their means, to protect vital safety net programs that ensure all DC residents’ basic needs are met. In 2014, we campaigned using #YogaTaxYes for a new budget proposal facing opposition from yogis and other fitness workers. These industries are now equally subject to DC’s sale tax, thanks to us.
Respect DC: We were part of the coalition demanding that Walmart pay a living wage and treat workers and communities with dignity. (2011)
Fair Purple Line: We organized to ensure that the proposed light rail Purple Line benefits communities along its route in southern MD.(2008-2012)
Domestic Worker Rights: We helped pass legislation in Montgomery County, Maryland that protects the rights of domestic workers, including nannies, housekeepers, and others.
DC Voting Rights: We continue to work towards the passing of the DC Housing Voting Rights Act that would give DC a voting member of the House of Representatives.
Day Laborer Justice: We educated the public about the challenges day laborers face, from exploitation to wage theft, and built better relationships between day laborers and the rest of the community.
Older campaigns:
- Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning: Our “Yes In My Backyard” campaign played a critical role in applying new affordable housing policies (particularly Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning) to the entire city by dispelling the impression that more affluent regions of DC opposed affordable housing.
- Eviction Prevention/Emergency Assistance: JUFJ played a key role in the dramatic expansion of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, which helps keep families in their homes and out of shelters through small one-time assistance for rent.
- Hotel Worker Rights
- Living Wages in DC and Montgomery County
- Parking Worker Rights