When we won the Fight for $15 in Montgomery County in 2017, 100,000 people got a raise.
100,000 Marylanders can now spend more time with their families instead of working second and third jobs, because the Montgomery County Council recognized that everyone has a right to be paid enough for their labor that they can thrive in our state. Now we need to bring that same message to Annapolis.
The State Senate will soon vote on legislation to raise the minimum wage all across the state.
We need to call our Senators before that vote and tell them: everyone in Maryland deserves at least $15 an hour.
Call your Senators today and say:
Hi, my name is _______, and I’m your constituent and a member of Jews United for Justice. I’m calling to ask you to support a strong, inclusive, sustainable HB166, the Fight for $15 bill. Everyone in Maryland should be paid enough to thrive in our state, wages should go up whenever the cost of living goes up, and we can’t wait a decade for this raise. Please don’t cut vulnerable workers out of this legislation and please don’t let our wages erode because of inflation.
Thanks for taking action to help hundreds of thousands of our friends and neighbors get a raise. Share this action alert to make sure everyone calls their Senators before the hearing!
To help us know what kind of power we have together, click on the button below and let us know if you reached your Senator!