DC Housing Security

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Think Jewishly, Act Locally: Advocacy in DC Government

Edlavitch DC JCC
1529 16th St NW, Washington, DC

Many Jews feel called to the work of tikkun olam — repairing the world — but trying to solve global problems is far too much for one person. But one person can make a tremendous difference when we focus on what is happening right here. Join us for an interactive workshop with community organizers focused on building a more just Washington, DC. We’ll learn about how our local government works, and what each of us can do to make real change for the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors here in our own community.

Nights at the Round Table: Ending Homelessness

Capital Jewish Museum
575 3rd St. NW, Washington, DC

Hear from expert panelists on the topic of homelessness in the DC area. Learn about the roots of the problem, misconceptions about people experiencing homelessness, and the path forward to eradicating this issue. Then, join the discussion and learn ways to take action and address the issue over dessert.. We will be assembling laundry kits to donate to neighbors in need.

Panelists include James Davis, Member of National Coalition for the Homeless Faces of Homelessness Speakers Bureau, Lara Pukatch, Chief Advocacy Officer, Miriam’s Kitchen, and Amber W. Harding, Executive Director, Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless. Moderated by Rabbi Atara Cohen, Director of Jewish Life and Learning, Edlavitch DCJCC.

Think Jewishly, Act Locally: Budgets are Moral Documents (DC)

Edlavitch DC JCC
1529 16th St NW, Washington, DC

A city’s budget says a lot more than any politician’s speeches about what is truly valued by the people we elect to represent us. Whether it’s how much money is allocated towards eradicating homelessness or for job growth; helping increase education equity or support families; voters have the power to advocate for how the budget is allocated. Join organizers from Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) to learn about DC’s budget process, past victories for social justice won through budget campaigns, and what you can do right now to ensure that next year’s city budget reflects the Jewish social justice values that many of us share.

DC Housing Security Working Group

The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
2027 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC

Jewish sacred texts recognize that having safe, stable housing is key to a healthy society. Join our Housing Security Working Group meeting in person or on Zoom to discuss our current campaigns, and how we are working with our partners to ensure that everyone in DC has a safe, stable, affordable place to live.

Think Jewishly, Act Locally: Speaking Your Truth To Power (DC)

Edlavitch DC JCC
1529 16th St NW, Washington, DC

Research shows that simply providing statistics around an issue is not enough to move people to make change; personal stories and connecting the issue to real people’s lives is a necessary component. Sharing our stories with those in power is one of the best ways to move the needle on social justice issues we care about. One of the most effective ways to do this is to testify before the DC Council. Hearing the stories and personal narratives of constituents helps move elected officials to take action on the issues that really matter. In this workshop we will learn how to create powerful written testimony based on your personal story and values. We’ll practice connecting our stories to specific issues that are before the DC Council and get people ready to testify for just change.

DC Housing Security Working Group

The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
2027 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC

Jewish sacred texts recognize that having safe, stable housing is key to a healthy society. Join our Housing Security Working Group meeting in person or on Zoom to discuss our current campaigns, and how we are working with our partners to ensure that everyone in DC has a safe, stable, affordable place to live.