2020 Montgomery County Voter Guide

JUFJ Montgomery County 2020 Voter Guide: FOR Questions 1, A, and C. AGAINST Questions B and D.

Vote FOR Questions 1, A, and C. Vote AGAINST Questions B and D. JUFJ has no position on Question 2.

How can I register to vote?

You can register to vote until the October 13 deadline through this link.

How can I apply for a mail-in-ballot?

  • You can request your ballot by filling out the paper application you may have received from the Board of Elections, or by or visiting the Board of Elections website at 
  • *The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is October 20. Please request your mail-in ballots as soon as possible to ensure you receive your ballot in time for the election*
  • Please do not request email delivery of your ballot unless you really need it that way, as the procedure to count those ballots is more laborious and adds to the strain on the system.
  • Ballots will be delivered in waves, and not all at once, so your ballot arrival time may be before or after your neighbor’s.

What do I do with my mail-in ballot once I fill it out?

  1. Make sure that you sign your name to the oath and date your signature on the back of the return voted ballot envelope or your ballot will be rejected.
  2. The postage on your mail-in ballot application is prepaid. You can drop it in the mail, or drop it at an official drop-off box. If using the USPS,  make sure to mail your ballot early to insure timely delivery.
  3. If you want to drop off your ballot, drop-boxes will be installed at Early Voting Centers by October 1st, and at Election Day polling locations by mid-October. You can find a list of all early-voting and election-day polling locations here (PDF).

How can I vote in person?

  1. In Montgomery County, Early Voting centers will be open between October 26 – November 2.
  2. On Election Day, voters can vote in person at any Election Day polling location in the county, listed here (PDF). You do not have to vote at the polling location normally assigned to you.
  3. Early Voting and Election Day voting centers will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. If you vote on Election Day at an Election Day polling location, and you are waiting in line at 8:00 PM (when polls are supposed to close), you will still be allowed to vote.

🗳️ 2024 Primary Election 🗳️

JUFJ’s Montgomery County team works in coalition with partners to build power and push for a County where everyone has what they need to live and thrive. We mobilize the Jewish community to win local campaigns for economic justice and racial equity. Our current campaigns range from reimagining public safety, to advocating for a moral budget, to fighting for stronger protections for renters.

We strive to build community through partnerships with Jewish congregations and through educational programs that explore taking action for social justice within a Jewish framework.

We are a member organization of the Silver Spring Justice Coalition, the MORE Network, and Housing Justice Montgomery. We work closely with a number of partners to transform public safety, including Racial Justice NOW! and Young People for Progress, which is the lead organization of the Decriminalize Montgomery County Campaign. We also partner with JUFJers from across Maryland on statewide issues focusing on labor and housing justice, immigrant rights, justice system reform, and more.

The Community Building and Education team is responsible for leadership development, outreach to new JUFJers, and building relationships with congregations whose members live in Montgomery County. The CBE team also plans and runs political education programs, advocacy trainings, and holiday celebrations. Contact to get involved!

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