Annapolis Academy: Legislator Meetings 101
Come learn how our Maryland legislator meetings will work and how critical they are for our statewide advocacy.
Come learn how our Maryland legislator meetings will work and how critical they are for our statewide advocacy.
Join JUFJers from across Baltimore to celebrate Chanukah! We'll enjoy tasty treats, light the menorah, play dreidel, and take action together, all while staying warm by the fire pit of Our Time Kitchen's outdoor patio. Everyone is welcome!
Join JUFJ at Repair the World Baltimore's 9th annual Hanukkah Brew HaHa!! We’ll be celebrating the 6th night of Hanukkah with our service and community partners as well as community members, including you. ✡️🕎Step out of the cold and into the hottest party of the holiday season 🔥 ! Enjoy latkes 🥔, Charmery ice cream 🍨, Union Craft Brewing beer 🍻 live music from DJ TNT 🎧, and win raffle prizes 🎁! The first 100 attendees will get to take home a custom Brew HaHa beer glass from years past. L'chaim! #BeTheShamash
Join DC JUFJers to celebrate Hanukkah! We will light candles, talk about what we've been up to so far in 5784, and schmooze. Donuts and Hanukkah blessings will be provided! We'll have a menorah and some candles, but feel free to bring your own too.
Join JUFJ Montgomery County members at Adat Shalom for an in-person, apple-themed Chanukah celebration for the whole family! Bring your favorite apple dish, and we'll celebrate with songs, games, and community building.
Join us on Zoom for an educational event about the crucial work of delivering testimony to legislators. We will discuss how to provide effective written testimony and how our process will work this legislative session.
Join us for our first Maryland Community Meeting of the 2024 Maryland legislative session where we'll discuss campaign updates and how we can best move our work forward! Join at 7:30 PM for General Assembly 101 if you're newer to JUFJ, or for a schmooze session if you're a returning JUFJer. The full meeting will begin at 8:00 PM. All are welcome!
If you are submitting written testimony this legislative session, join us for this writing power hour on Zoom. Testimony writers of all experience levels are all welcome!
If you are submitting written testimony this legislative session, join us for this writing power hour on Zoom. Testimony writers of all experience levels are all welcome!
As we head into an election year full of tension and controversy, it can feel like our voices aren’t always heard or meaningful. One of the most effective ways to have a real impact is making change at the local level though, right here in our city. Join us over brunch for an interactive workshop. We’ll learn about the structure and function of the DC government and concrete ways each of us can engage with local government officials to make real change for the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors.
If you are submitting written testimony this legislative session, join us for this writing power hour on Zoom. Testimony writers of all experience levels are all welcome!
Jewish tradition teaches that in a just world, all people would have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient for their needs. A city budget reflects the priorities and promises of city officials much better than their words. Here in DC, the city’s resources are abundant, but they are not allocated equitably so that everyone benefits. In this workshop we will learn about the DC budget process, past victories for social justice won through budget campaigns, and what you can do right now to ensure that next year’s budget reflects the Jewish social justice values that many of us share.
If you are submitting written testimony this legislative session, join us for this writing power hour on Zoom. Testimony writers of all experience levels are all welcome!
Research shows that simply providing statistics around an issue is not enough to move people to make change; personal stories and connecting the issue to real people’s lives is a necessary component. Sharing our stories with those in power is one of the best ways to move the needle on social justice issues we care about. One of the most effective ways to do this is to testify before the DC Council. Hearing the stories and personal narratives of constituents helps move elected officials to take action on the issues that really matter. In this workshop we will learn how to create powerful written testimony based on your personal story and values. We’ll practice connecting our stories to specific issues that are before the DC Council and get people ready to testify for just change.
Join us for our Maryland Community Meeting where we'll discuss campaign updates and how we can best move our work forward! Join at 7:30 PM for JUFJ 101 if you're newer to JUFJ, or for a schmooze session if you're a returning JUFJer. The full meeting will begin at 8:00 PM. All are welcome!
Purim is a joyful Jewish holiday that commemorates the story of Queen Esther, who used her power to help her community during challenging times. We are packing 250 gift bags (half in Baltimore, half in Rockville) to deliver to statewide and Montgomery County elected officials. Join us in packing bags, delivering bags to legislators, donating supplies, or donating money to offset the cost of making all of this happen.
Join the Edlavitch DCJCC and JUFJ for an evening of Purim fun and festivities – featuring Purim carnival games (budget ring toss, anyone?), a hilarious Purim spiel, and a special drag performance by Manny Nuff! So come nosh some hamantaschen and shake your gragger while learning how we can push councilmembers to prioritize housing and put people over profit.
Calling all Maryland JUFJers: JUFJ staff need your help to make sure everyone hears about our first seder in Baltimore since 2019! Join us to call other JUFJers who haven't RSVPed yet and make sure that they have a chance to join the fun and the action for youth justice.
Calling all Maryland JUFJers: JUFJ staff need your help to make sure everyone hears about our first seder in Baltimore since 2019! Join us to call other JUFJers who haven't RSVPed yet and make sure that they have a chance to join the fun and the action for youth justice.
Each spring, the Social Justice Seder celebrates the freedom story of the Exodus by connecting it to present day struggles, delivering the tools to take action, and celebrating with food, friends, and song. This year’s Seder, “Let my people grow,” will explore the fight for youth justice and the campaign to let all of Maryland’s children, and their children, and their children’s children break the chains of the criminal legal system and live in freedom.